Wednesday 26 February 2014


Wednesday, 26th February 2014

Cats are pets .People live with them at home.

Cats are mammals animals . Cats are carnivores , they eat fish and mice.

Cats have four legs and a long tail.

They can jump and climb threes.

They can't fly.

This is a picture of a cat.

Wednesday 19 February 2014


Wednesday, 19th February 2014


Tigers are very dangerous animals. Tigers are the biggest cat especies. They are about 400kilos.
Tigers live in the jungle and come from Asia.
They are carnivore, they eat meat from other animals.
Tigers are very fast and strong.
Male tigers are bigger than female tigers.
There are six types of tigers: the bengal tiger and the Siberian tiger are the most important.

This is a picture of a bengal tiger.

This is a picture of a Siberian tiger.

Here you can see a female together with a male tiger.

Wednesday 12 February 2014


Wednesday, 12th Febuary 2014


Dolpins are mammal not fihs.
There are many types dolpins.
There are about 40 kilos .
They are in all parts of the world and live in groups.
They are carnivorus, they normaly eat fish and squid.
Dolpins are  very intelillent animals.
They can swim and jump very fast but they can't fly or run.

This is a picture of a a dolphing jumping over the sea.

Wednesday 5 February 2014


Wednesday, 5th Febuary 2014


Rabbit are small mamals. There are many types of rabbits . Some are brown , others white
or grey.
THey have got two long ears and four legs.
Rabbits have got a short tail .They eat grass and vegetables. THeir favorit  food
is carrots .
They live in the country or in the forest.
They can run very fast.
They can oloso jump.
Rabbit can 't fly or swim.

Monday 3 February 2014

Monday, 3th Febuary 2014


The gnu is a strange mamal.
The are usally brown.
There are two tipes :  the blue and theblack gnu
They have got  two horns and four legs.
The gnu is an herbivore , they eat grass , especially
short grass.
They live in Africa.
They can run and walk but they  can't fly or swimg .
here you can look a foto of gnu.